• Date de parution : 26/01/2000
  • ISBN : 9780711982963

Making The Grade : Grades Four And Five LANNING JERRY / LATHAM OLGA

Chant et Piano

Éditeur : Chester Music
Référence : MUSCH 61682

Disponible sous 3 à 6 Jours Disponible sous 3 à 6 Jours

Livraison gratuite Gagnez un bon d'achat dès 50€ *

30 jours pour changer d'avis

Variété internationale et musique du monde


Amazing Grace
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
Close Every Door
Feed The Birds
Gather Ye Rosebuds,
Idle Days In Summertime
Morning Has Broken
My Favourite Things
No Matter What
Scarborough Fair
The Little Shoemaker
Whistle Down The Wind

Description :

Easy popular pieces for young singers, selected and arranged by Olga Lantham and Jerry Lanning. This collection of 13 popular melodies has been carefully arranged and graded to provide attractive teaching repertoire for young singers. The familiarity of the material will stimulate pupils' enthusiasm and encourage their practice. With piano accompaniment.

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