• ISBN : 9790046204432

53 Etudes D’Apres Boehm Terschack Et Furstenau Vol.3 MULE


Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 20443

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Description :

Part of the method for all Saxophones by Marcel Mule, this third volume of Fifty-Three Studies After Bohem, Terschak, Furstenau features the studies 36 to 53. Written for upper intermediate players, this book will help the players to maintain the acquired technique and develop even more their flexibility. This series of three books is a must-have to prepare the upper intermediate players to the change of cycle. Marcel Mule (1901-2001) is one of the greatest French saxophonists, renowned worldwide for his work on the classical Saxophone repertoire. He was teaching his students how to obtain a good quality ofsound and believed it was dependent on the embouchure, the emission, the mastery of vibrato and thus of breathing. He wrote different methods that focus on technique, articulation and tone productions such as 'Dix-huit Exercices ou Etudes', 'Exercices Journaliers d'après Terschack' or '30 Grands Exercices ou Etudes d'après Soussmann' (in two books), among others.

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